Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Goddess Tree Grows *IVY

From Roots to Leaves, Branches to Bark
The Goddess Tree Grows


Hedera Helix

11th month of Celtic Tree calendar, September 30 - October 27
11th consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Gort

Planet: Moon, Saturn
Element: Water
Symbolism: Fidelity and Fertility, Protection, Healing
Stone: Opal
Color: Indigo
Animal: Bear
Bird: Lark, mute Swan, Swallow
Deity: Ariadne, Artemis, Arianrhod, Pasiphae, Dionysus, Bacchus, Osiris

Medicinal properties:
WARNING: All parts of the ivy plant are poisonous if ingested...Ivy should never be used for self medication or given to others. Medicinally ivy was used in making salves, poultices, for relief from toothaches, as an astringent, as a salve for sunburn, for infections, and as an aid to bring on menstruation. It was also added to mixtures of other herbs for pain relief.

Dr Dobbs Happy Camper Poison Ivy Soap

Magickal properties:
Ivy is carried by women (and brides) for good luck, since it is equated with female energy (as holly is the male energy.) Ivy is magickally paired with Holly. Ancient poets were crowned with Ivy to give them honor. Wherever it is grown or strewn, it guards against negativity and disaster. Use ivy in fidelity and love charms.


True friends, like ivy and the wall,
both stand together, and together fall
~Thomas Carlyle

When planting your magickal garden, or even when making arrangements as gifts, remember that the leaves and tendrils of the Ivy stands for fidelity and love.


by Liz and Colin Murray

The Ivy Grows, spreads and flourishes in many conditions - cultivated land and wasteland, in light or in near darkness, in fertile soil or on rubble and stones. It will push its way through tiny cracks and crevices to reach the light and it is strong and difficult to destroy. Since ancient times, the Vine and the Ivy have been regarded as enemies. If the Vine, through intoxication, releases prophetic powers, the Ivy, in contrast, puts you in touch with your own inner resources, giving you the ability to see through the eyes of the soul beyond the everyday world. The color associated with the Ogham Ivy is gorm, sky- blue. Retain a vision of the clear blue sky to which you aspire in your mind's eye.


Ivy represents the spiral of the self and the search for self. The maze of the labyrinth is also linked to Ivy, since it symbolized the wondering soul, circling inward and outward, seeking nourishment from within & without, leading you to enlightenment. Ivy can be an aid in helping others on a spiritual journey.


Aditi, Goddess of the Luminous Void

Shamans speak of the void as a place of creation, unlimited possibilities. The Hindu goddess of the void, Aditi, is paradoxically also a sun deity. Her domain is "the nothing" no time and no space. She is the primordial womb from which all creation arises. They say she had no birth herself, yet is the origin of all things.
Aditi, goddess of the empty form, boundless with possibilities.
Aditi speaks now from her place of the vast unlimited:

"I am the original manifestrix, the black being, womb of initiation in the luminous darkness.

You are from me. I welcome your visits to my velvety blackness. I am not just a one-time port of call. I am the repeat destination. I hold all and nothing. Stamp your feet. Unburden your heart. Crack open your head. I am the dreaded yet the necessary. Come, meet with me. Pour out all your troubles. They dissolve into the cosmic emptiness. Pick up something else while you're here. How about a little elixir of eternity, some medicine for your soul? Do not worry. That is my healing counsel From the perspective of void, the vastness of creative forms, all is possible. If one way does not work, another will.

Let's talk about pain. Your fears. Your hollowness. Your loss and loneliness. Look inside me, now. Are you looking? Yes - see, pain is a device that keeps you distracted, keeps you off center. Sure, it tells you something is wrong, needs to heal, needs to change. But pain can create more pain. Leave it lay. Jump tracks. Get on the healing way, the path of infinite love. Here all things are possible, swimming and floating around in my void. Eventually it's time for labor, birth. You can release your pain in me or you can nurture and feed it. Your choice. There's a lot of life out there. Keep your focus on what you seek. Not on what you are missing.

The luminous void paints creation, breathes with wholeness, spaciousness: it supports and comforts you. It's your sacred well. Drink of the dark vastness and be healed. I am Aditi. I am the unborn who gives life to the world. Vaster than vast. You know me. All your yearnings and future possibilities rest in me.

Pray to me. Light a dark candle in your soul. I will find you. I never miss. Your breath is my trail to you."

~Beth Beurkens 2007 and WeMoon 09


Sunday October 4, 2009 Full Moon in Aries
Sunday October 11, 2009 Waning Half Moon in Cancer
Sunday October 18, 2009 New Moon in Libra
Sunday October 25, 2009 Waxing Half Moon in Aquarius

Ivy travels everywhere - it spreads happily and thrives in many places where no other greenery could survive. Its determination to reach through obstacles toward light and nourishment is well known, too. If you were born under this tree sign, your networking abilities will further both your personal goals and the purposes of your "cause" - whatever that might be. It's important that you use this talent to reach out, like the ivy, in a productive way.
Be sure to use this talent productively. Don't allow yourself to bind others to you, or to be bound by guilt, worry, or fear of the future. ~Written by Kim Rogers-Gallagher, and Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2000

As the winter months draw closer, you will need to improve your resilience and tenacity. Spells for good health are advised at this time of the year.


A Druid's Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine by Ellen Evert Hopman

Ivy reminds us that nature provides enough for all. If Ivy has entered your awareness today, you are being reminded that all things have their place in sacred creation. Everything is unfolding as it should and there are no mistakes. See what sweetness and wisdom you can gather from your experiences, to bring back to the people.

"Oh Ivy who blooms in the chill Autumn wind,
show me the way to gather the light of my Higher Self and share it with all Beings."


Oh, a dainty plant is the ivy green,
That creepeth o'er ruins old!
Of right choice food are his meals I ween,
In his cell so lone and cold. . . . .
Creeping where no life is seen,
A rare old plant is the ivy green.
~Charles Dickens


I honor the energy of ivy, the spiral to center.
I will do all that I do because of my own inner desires.
I will listen to myself, and will remain balanced and centered while I do this work.
So mote it be


Pray Peace

This letter is a labor of love, from Gwendolyn
Permission to share freely, please in its entirety, with links and credits
Feel free to contact me:


from Moon Bee Acres

There is a branch for you to sit upon with a beautiful view.
Climb up into her arms, and stay for a spell.
Feel her roots, her bark, her branches, her leaves.
She is shade, shelter, a home, a hide-away.
She is an escape.
She rocks you to sleep in your hammock.
She holds up your birdfeeder, your wind chimes, and your decorations.
She embraces anyone who loves to climb.
In the spring she offers life, and in the fall she gives her own.
She does not judge.
She just is.


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Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Goddess Tree Grows *Holly

From Roots to Leaves, Branches to Bark
The Goddess Tree Grows
(I wish you a happy 07/08/09 today!)


Green Man Tree Oracle

Tree of Sacrifice


Eighth month of the Celtic Tree calendar, July 8th - August 4th
Eighth consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Tinne

Planet: Mars and Saturn
Element: Fire
Symbolism: The Sword of Truth, Unconditional love, sacrifice, reincarnation
Stone: Ruby, Bloodstone
Powers: Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magick
Birds: Cardinal, Starling
Color: Red
Deity: Lugh, Tannus, Thor
Sabbat: Lughnasa, Celtic festival of the Sun God Lugh, Lammas
Death of the God of the Waxing year (Oak King)
Birth of the God of the Waning year (Holly King)
Folk Names: Aquifolius, Bat's Wings, Christ's Thorn, Holy Tree, Holm Chaste, Hulm, Hulver Bush

Medicinal properties: The powdered leaves were brewed into a healing tea for measles, and the ashes from burning the leaves in a drink soothed whooping cough. Hot compresses made from the leaves and bark helped ease the pain of broken bones and dislocations.

Magickal properties: A "par excellence" protective herb, it protects against lightning, poison, and evil spirits. When thrown at wild animals it makes them lie down quietly and leave you alone. Sprinkle an infusion made with Holly on newborn babies to protect them. Holly is considered the male counterpart to the female Ivy. Even though Holly's Yule festival greens are traditionally burned at Imbolg, a small sprig us kept for luck and to keep evil away throughout the year. To grow a holly in your garden is to bring about good luck. Rumor has it that holly leaves were once called "bat wings" (so if you ever run into a spell that calls for bat wings, you'll know where to find them.)


CAUTION: Holly Berries are purgative and often cause nausea and vomiting. They are poisonous to children.



by Liz and Colin Murray

The Holly is best in the fight. He battles and defends himself, defeating enemies, those who wish to destroy him, with his spines. The leaves are soft in summer but in winter, when other greenery is scarce and the every-green Holly is likely to be attacked by browsing animals, the leaves harden, the spines appear and he is safe. The old name for the Holly is Holm, preserved in names such as Holmsdale, Surrey, whose motto is "Never wonne, we never shall." With the coming of Christianity, the Holly became the Holy tree, the tree symbolic of the crown of thorns, so representing the fighting of the soul's battles that eventually unites this life with the one that follows and, also, runs parallel.

The Holly is male, so symbolizing paternity and fatherhood. With the Ivy and the Mistletoe, the Holly has always been regarded as a potent life symbol, both for his year-long foliate and for his winter fruits.


The Holly Fairy by Cicely Mary Barker

by Cicely Mary Barker

Traditionally, the holly is king of the waning year, from midsummer to midwinter, and the oak is king of the waxing year, from midwinter to midsummer. These "kings" may be seen as different aspects of the God, battling for the hand of the Goddess, who is earth herself.

Holly is another tree sacred to the Druids, who brought it within their homes in winter to offer shelter to the fairies. Like the oak, holly provides a home to many sprites, and its spirit is a guardian and a warrior. The holly fairy brings courage and the warrior spirit. He will help you with any internal or spiritual struggles, and can awaken powerful healing abilities.

Holly is especially sacred at the Winter Solstice, serving to usher in the new life of the sun god. Its evergreen leaves are a sign of endurance. If you meditate close to a holly bush you may receive warning or encouragement from the holly fairy.
~The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey


On August Eve, we honor and give thanks for the bonanza of a harvest yet to come, as the first fruits fall from the tree. In England, the Full Moon rises and sets over Silbury Hill, which ancient people perceived to be the belly of the birthing Goddess. Traditionally (even now) this holiday initiates a period of State, Country, and 4-H Fairs in the US where what has been grown is shared and judged. At Native American pow-wows, people gather to share friendship, food, creative arts, dance and ritual. Bonfires are still lit on hills all over Switzerland for national Independence Day - but clearly as a remnant of the ancient holiday known all over pagan Europe.
Please the spirits by making an offering of art on this day. One easy way to offer up a spontaneous "feast" of beauty and gratitude is to make a collage from magazine images, note cards, calendars and the like. This is a magic spell. Choose images without censoring yourself - select all those that catch your attention whether you "like" them or not. Surprise yourself!
Vicki Noble - Mother Tongue Ink, and We'Moon09


Wednesday July 15, 2009 Waning Half Moon in Aries
Tuesday July 21, 2009 New Moon in Cancer
Tuesday July 28, 2009 Waxing Half Moon in Scorpio

Celtic Moon sign - Holly Moon

Holly wood was used by the ancients in the construction of spear shafts, and as the spiny leaves show, it is well prepared for battle. A symbol of firmness and masculine energy, the holly endows those born under its sign with an equally well-prepared nature. You have a strong connection to the earth, amazing physical strength, and the ability to direct your energy in a balanced even flow. This stability gives you a generosity of spirit ad a very matter-of-fact solidness that others will respect, admire, and rely on. Before you engage in any battle, look inside for understanding and respect for your opponents.
Written by Kim Rogers-Gallagher, and Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2000

Although the Oak ruled in the previous month, its counterpart, the Holly, takes over in July. This evergreen plant reminds us all year long about the immortality of nature. The Holly moon was called Tinne, pronounced chihnn-uh, by the Celts, who knew the potent Holly was a symbol of masculine energy and firmness. The ancients used the wood of the Holly in the construction of weapons, but also in protective magic. Hang a sprig of Holly in your house to ensure good luck and safety to your family. Wear as a charm, or make Holly Water by soaking leaves overnight in spring water under a full moon -- then use the water as a blessing to sprinkle on people or around the house for protection and cleansing.

Those born under this sign have a strong connection with the Earth and possess amazing physical strength. Your matter-of-fact solidness and generous spirit are respected and admired by others. As the days shorten after summer solstice and the moon grown in power. focus on putting bad situations behind you.


Holly berries were used to predict winter weather. If there were a profusion of berries, that meant it would be a hard winter, because the Goddess was providing extra berries for the birds.

Holly is one of the three timbers in the Chariot Wheel.

It represents personal sacrifice in order to gain something of greater value.

Dreaming of Holly means you should be mindful of what is troubling you, and picking holly in your dreams means you will have a long life.

After midnight, on a Friday, without making a sound, gather nine Holly leaves. Wrap these up in a white cloth using nine knots to tie the ends together. Place this beneath your pillow and your dreams will come true.


The Faces of WomanSpirit

A Celtic Oracle of Avalon

by Katherine Torres, Ph.D.

The Faces of WomanSpirit
Talented One express through me.
Light of Goddess easy to see.
Balance and truth for all to use.
Holly your energy we all will muse.


I honor the energy of holly, spear of the warrior.
I will not remain passive and victimized, but will choose to fight for my own freedom.
So mote it be.


Pray Peace

This letter is a labor of love, from Gwendolyn
Permission to share freely, please in its entirety, with links and credits
Feel free to contact me:


from Moon Bee Acres

There is a branch for you to sit upon with a beautiful view.
Climb up into her arms, and stay for a spell.
Feel her roots, her bark, her branches, her leaves.
She is shade, shelter, a home, a hide-away.
She is an escape.
She rocks you to sleep in your hammock.
She holds up your birdfeeder, your wind chimes, and your decorations.
She embraces anyone who loves to climb.
In the spring she offers life, and in the fall she gives her own.
She does not judge.
She just is.



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Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Goddess Tree Grows *Oak

From Roots to Leaves, Branches to Bark
The Goddess Tree Grows


Oak in the forest towers with might,
In the fire brings the Gods in sight.


Seventh month of the Celtic Tree calendar, June 10th - July 7th
Seventh consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Duir

Planet: Jupiter and Mars
Element: Water
Symbolism: Sovereignty, rulership, power,
Strength & Endurance, Generosity & Protection, Justice & Nobility, Honesty & Bravery
Stone: Diamond, Aventuring
Metal: Gold
Birds: Oriole, Wren
Color: Gold
Deity: The Dagda, The Green Man, Janus, Diana, Cybele, Hecate, Pan
Sabbat: Summer Solstice (Litha)
Folk Names: Jove's Nuts, Juglans

Medicinal properties: The medicinal park of the Oak is its bark, because of the strong astringent properties. Internally as a tea it helps fight diarrhea and dysentery. Externally it can be used to treat hemorrhoids, inflamed gums, wounds, and eczema. The tannin found in oak can help reduce minor blistering by boiling a piece of the bark in a small amount of water until a strong solution is reached, and applying to the affected area. To cure frostbite, American folk medicine called for collecting oak leaves that had remained on the tree all through the winter. These leaves were boiled to obtain a solution in which the frostbitten extremities would soak for an hour each day for a week.

Magickal properties: Dreaming of resting under an oak tree means you will have a long life and wealth. Climbing the tree in your dream means a relative will have a hard time of it in the near future. Dreaming of a fallen oak means the loss of love. If you catch a falling oak leaf you shall have no colds all winter. If someone does get sick, warm the house with an oakwood fire to shoo away the illness. Carry an acorn against illnesses and pains, for immortality and youthfulness, and to increase fertility and sexual potency.
Carrying any piece of the oak draws good luck to you (remember to ask permission and show gratitude.)
King Arthur's round table was made from a single cross section of a large Oak.
It is tradition for the Litha fire to be oak wood representing the God, since this is the time of year when oak reaches its Zenith power.
The Oak trees essence helps boost energy levels and the ability to manifest our goals.
The tree's roots mirror its branches and stretch as far below ground as the branches do above..
Witches often danced beneath the Oak Tree for ritual.
The druids would not meet for ritual if there was not an Oak tree present.
Idols were made from Oak wood.

Oak twigs bound together with red thread into a solar cross or a pentagram will make a mighty protective talisman for the home, car, or in your desk or locker at work.

"Oaken twigs and strings of red
Deflect all harm, gossip and dread."

Garden Witchery by Ellen Dugan


The Acorn has long been associated with couples and love divination. Dropping two Acorns into the same bowl of water is said to predict the romantic future...should the Acorns float together, then the couple will marry...the reverse being the case should the Acorns drift apart. The Ancient Druids believed that to carry an Acorn at all times would ensure prevention from aging, a ritual said to be most successful for women.

The Acorn Fairy by Cicely Mary Barker

The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey
Oak Fairy

Oak is one of the most sacred trees, traditionally prized by the Celts and Druids. The oak fairy is very powerful, and imparts strength and endurance to any who stay within its aura.

Each oak tree is a very metropolis of fairies, and each acorn has its own sprite. Bringing one into the house is a way to enhance contact with the fairy realm. Oak beams are often used to make doors, but the tree itself is a great portal to the other realms.

The oak is associated with many gods all over the world, notably Zeus and Thor. In sacred groves of oak, the Goddess was believed to impart her wisdom through oracles. The oak has sheltered many a king and hero, in myth and real life. The oak spirit is distinct from fairies, and may become very angry if trees are felled or wildlife harmed.

The oak fairy brings courage and a stout heart, necessary to brave the challenges in this world and to journey in the Otherworld. Bearing strength from the heart of the earth, oak fairy can bring steadiness and a deep joy that endures through all.


by Liz and Colin Murray

Every house has a front door.

If you wish to enter, the door must be approached and your presence made known. The door may then be opened. The very word "door" comes from the Gaelic and Sanskrit "duir" - a word for solidity, protection and the Oak tree. In the essential forest, the Oak is King. He stands mightily solid with great branches, matched only by still greater roots. He is often struck by lightning. The force of the strike and the heat bursts the sap and stem apart leaving the trunk gnarled and withered. Yet he still manages to survive, over the years, decades and centuries. His growth is slow but sure. His children grow into magnificent replicas of himself and he is a marker point, a cornerstone and a refuge in the forest.


Summer Solstice

The polarities have shifted from night to day, as Summer Solstice marks the outermost extension of energy and light. We stay up late, being outdoors, engaged in exercise and activities, and relishing the long, luxurious hours of daylight - often without consciously realizing that on this very day, the light once more begins to wane. Taoists say that any energy taken far enough in one direction turns into its opposite, as Yin and Yang dance their timeless exchange of essential energies. They rhythm on the planet Earth swings like a metronome between dark and light, like the cycle of a bleeding woman. If we think of Winter Solstice as representing menstruation, then Summer Solstice is like ovulation - when something creative is released into activity and expression in hopes of fertilization.

This is the night for a drumming and dancing ritual, outdoors under the stars, in total celebration of life's capacity to express itself. Perhaps you can watch the film, The Singing Revolution, depicting how Estonians liberated themselves from Soviet rule through song. Get your friends, family, or community and make some music together!
Vicki Noble (C) Mother Tongue Ink 2008, and We'Moon'09


Moon Phases for the month of Oak

Monday June 15, 2009 - Waning Half Moon in Pisces
Monday June 22, 2009 - New Moon in Cancer
Monday June 29, 2009 - Waxing Half Moon in Libra
Tuesday July 7, 2009 - Full Moon in Capricorn

Celtic Moon Sign for Oak

Born under this sign, you have strength of character and purpose to endure, no matter what your challenges. Direct your energies wisely.
Oak... The Robust, Courageous, strong, unrelenting, independent, sensible, does not love changes, keeps its feet on the ground, person of action.
Growth and fertility spells work best at this time of the year. Focus on building and consolidation your wisdom, endurance and security.

The oak tree endures what others cannot. It remains strong through challenges, and is known for being almost immortal, as is often attested to by its long life and ability to survive fire, lightning strikes, and devastation. If you were born under this sign, you have the strength of character and purpose to endure, too - no matter what your challenges. Direct your energies wisely, make sure your your risks are well-calculated, and you'll overcome whatever seemingly "impossible" quests are sent to you.
Written by Kim Rogers-Gallagher, and Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2000

The Oak moon falls during a time when the trees are beginning to reach their full blooming stages. The mighty Oak is strong, powerful, and typically towering over all of its neighbors. The Oak King rules over the summer months, and this tree was sacred to the Druids. The Celts called this month Duir, which some scholars believe to mean "door", the root word of "Druid". The Oak is connected with spells for protection and strength, fertility, money and success, and good fortune. Carry an acorn in your pocket when you go to an interview or business meeting; it will be bring you good luck. If you catch a falling Oak leaf before it hits the ground, you'll stay healthy the following year.
Growth and fertility spells work best at this time of the year. Focus on building and consolidation your wisdom, endurance and security.


Moon Mother of Oak
by Katherine Torres, Ph.D., 1998

The Oak tree is considered the most powerful and most sacred of the trees to the Celtic peoples. It holds the true alignment of balance, purpose and strength. In the cycle of the year, the Moon of Oak also poses the essence of power and balance. In truth, She is androgynous. Being integrated, this moon essence provides the greatest alignment for manifesting our goal.

Oak Mother's Celtic name is Duir. It means door and is derived from the word Druid or Druidess, the Celtic person who has mastered memory, intuition, healing, knowing and magic.

The Oak Mother provides the essence of assuredness, love, and care for her offspring. She is pro-nurturing and calls you to understand how you use this energy at the time when you have given birth to your potential. Like the mother who has just delivered her child to the world, you are called to watch the growth, care for the needs of your child, and love the child no matter what course s/he has to walk to develop, mature, and express in whole-ness. Let this be so as you nurture your goal in the world.

Look about you during this month. What creative aspects of yourself have you birthed? Are you nurturing them? And are you integrating your potential into all aspects of yourself: spiritually, mentally, physically, through your ego, by listening to the voice of your soul? Use a journal to express the answers to these questions. If you find that you are not doing anything, then ask yourself what you want to birth, how you will nurture your creativity and integrate it into all of your aspects? Be strong, wise and willing.

Doors of opportunity are here and now in your world. Duir, Moon Mother of Oak, provides you with the strength to open the doors and utilize the openings to step into the experiences that will bring fulfillment, purpose, and your creative pleasure. As you look at the doors before you, adjust any energy that would stop you from walking through those doors without your strength and purpose. This is your opportunity to use the Universal energies present in the world to bring you to the moment of balance and direction for manifesting your heart's desires.

The people you meet during this month will be supportive. But are they supporting your empowerment or are they supporting your old patterns? Notice how they assist you. Do you feel they help you in the way you need? If so, give gratitude. If not, tell the truth and let them know what you really require, for in that way they can give useful assistance. Oak Moon Mother provides you with the strength to tell the truth, live in your personal power, and share life with others through that strength of your genuine self.

Through the essence of your genuine self, you will also assist others without the need to "make them" what they "should" be. You will simply be able to listen, communicate, and express your care and encouragement as they manifest their potential. It is important that you honor their position of creative expression. In that way, the true empowerment of appreciation occurs in all peoples, and the knowing that we all are here for the purpose to help each other can occur.

The gift of Oak Moon Mother is that of revealing the talents of each child of the Universe and having them share their talents so not a single person is burdened, not a single person is without.

Oak Moon Mother provides great affluence as she reigns in our night sky. She provides abundance, strength, empowerment, nurturing, companionship and rewards. She presents the world with the essence of fertility, the power to manifest, and the capacity to create the world that one needs for success. She provides the essence of balance: work and play, action and rest, speaking and silence.

What do you need at this time? Let The Oak Moon Mother assist you in manifesting exactly what you need. The time for realizing your potential is now.

A Crone Stone
reading from Gwendolyn,

The Seeker

In this stone I see a path going past a tree, into the horizon

"Not all those who wander are lost" - Change your routine once, and maybe take a walk....don't plan on going anywhere, just walk. Think about the journey, and how it feels to not know where you will end up. Notice what gifts you receive and appreciate that you would not have had this experience if you decided to keep to your normal routine.


I honor the energy of oak, the doorway to the mysteries.
I will call upon the strength of the Horned One when I feel in need of protection.
So mote it be


Pray Peace

This letter is a labor of love, from Gwendolyn
Permission to share freely, please in its entirety, with links and credits
Feel free to contact me:


from Moon Bee Acres

There is a branch for you to sit upon with a beautiful view.
Climb up into her arms, and stay for a spell.
Feel her roots, her bark, her branches, her leaves.
She is shade, shelter, a home, a hide-away.
She is an escape.
She rocks you to sleep in your hammock.
She holds up your birdfeeder, your wind chimes, and your decorations.
She embraces anyone who loves to climb.
In the spring she offers life, and in the fall she gives her own.
She does not judge.
She just is.


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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Goddess Tree Grows *Hawthorn

From Roots to Leaves, Branches to Bark
The Goddess Tree Grows


Crataegus oxyacantha

The May Tree
Sixth month of the Celtic Tree calendar, May 13th - June 9
Sixth consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Huath

Hawthorn is burned to purify,
and draw faery to your eye.

Planet: Mars and Venus
Symbolism: Purification, sacred marriage and male-female unity
Stone: Lapis Lazuli, Blue Calcite
Birds: Blackbird, Owl, Purple Martin
Color: Midnight Blue, Purple
Deity: Olwen, Blodeuwedd, Gardea, Hymen, Hera, Virgin Mary
Sabbat: Beltane, May Day
Folk names: May bush, May tree, quickset, thorn-apple tree, white thorn.

Medicinal properties:
The flowers, leaves and fruits of the Hawthorn have properties that reduce blood pressure and stimulate the heart, as well as act as a mild sedative.
In herbal medicine they treat heart and circulatory disorders, migraine, menopausal conditions, angina, and insomnia.
The flowers are strongest as sedatives, and used externally can treat acne and skin blemishes.
The berries (also known as "Pixie Pears") contain Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C.
They can be crushed and used to ease diarrhea, dysentery, and kidney disorders.
It is strongly advised against self medication because of the its effects on the heart.

Magickal properties:
The tree essence cleanses the heart of negativity and stimulates love and forgiveness.
The Hawthorn is the tree most representative of the struggles the Christian Church had in suppressing pagan beliefs and celebrations.
Hawthorn is respected as a tree of enchantment under the protection of the faery realms.
It guards wells and springs. Its beautiful flowers are said to help prayers reach heaven.
If you sit under a Hawthorn on May 1st you are liable to be whisked away for good to the faery underworld.
The blooms of the hawthorn are used in spells for fertility, happiness, and good luck in fishing.
To take a blossoming hawthorn branch inside one's house will cause their mother to die.
Wands made of this wood are of great power. The blossoms are highly erotic to men.
Hawthorn can be used for protection, love and marriage spells.

The original May Poles were made of Hawthorn

Hawthorn can be woven in to a growing fence called a Hedgerow.
These thorny barriers are very effective and have saved many villages from thieves and highwaymen.


And every shepherd tells his tale
Under the hawthorn in the dale
~John Milton L’Allegro

In England, the hawthorn is known as the mayflower tree in honor of the month during which it blooms.
Symbolizing hope, it was the name the Pilgrims took for their famous ship, The Mayflower.


by Liz and Colin Murray
The Celtic Tree Oracle by Liz and Colin Murray
The Hawthorn card represents cleansing and chastity, bringing protection from the inner magical realms - in other words, a period of restraint, waiting or keeping oneself to oneself. Concentrate on mental rather than physical activity as a prelude to the spiritual fertilization, growth and harvesting what will follow, providing such preparation has been properly made as the pure white flowers of the Hawthorn turn to glowing red haws in the autumn.

The Fairy Bible
by Teresa Moorey

Hawthorn Fairy

Along with oak and ash, hawthorn forms the “fairy triad” that is especially inviting to fairies. Hawthorn is, in some ways, the fairy tree, forming a portal to the fairy realms and holding strong magic.

The hawthorn fairy offers access to the Otherworld, but also protects the unwary, so it is important to be patient with this spirit. She can enchant your life, bringing growth and fertility to all areas, and when the hawthorn flowers in spring, it represents the bridal gown of the young Goddess.
Hawthorn is sacred to the Welsh sun goddess Olwen, the “white lady of the day.” Where she trod she left white footprints on hawthorn, and her father, Yspaddaden Pencawr, was “Giant Hawthorn.” Thirteen tasks were demanded of her suitor, Culhwych, before he could marry her and overcome the power of the giant.

Thirteen is a number associated with the moon, for the moon makes 13 circuits of the zodiac to one of the sun. Thus the hawthorn suggests union: of sun and moon, male and female.

The hawthorn fairy promises cleansing, fulfillment, guardianship, and fertility. Keeping grounded and practical is the best way to access her and use her gifts.

Hawthorn Fairy by Cicely Mary Barker
picture is The Hawthorn Fairy by Cicely Mary Barker


Merlin and the Hawthorn Tree
from various sources, as told in Myths of the Sacred Tree by Moyra Caldecott

When Merlin was an old, old man (and none could give a count of all his years) a young girl came to King Arthur's court. Some said she was the handmaiden of the goddess who had emerged from the lake to give the sword Excalibur to Arthur. To look upon she was beautiful beyond belief, but none could see into her heart.

Her name was Vivien, and she watched the wonders of the court closely, soon becoming envious of Merlin's great powers. She determined to lear all she could from him and so beguiled him with her flattery and her beauty that he, sighing, followed her wherever she went and easily gave her secrets that were best kept hidden.

But Vivien was not satisfied with what she learned. She claimed that Merlin was teaching her no more than a child could learn. She wanted more and deeper mysteries to be revealed to her. He demurred, saying that she was not ready. Then, afreaid he would not be able to withstand her pleas and knowing that some mysteries were too dangerous and powerful to be entrusted to someone so young and unwise, he left the court and went across the sea to the forest of Broceliande in Brittany.

She followed him, weeping and telling him her heart was broken because he did not trust her.

At last, with a cunning alternation of the granting and the withholding of sexual favors, she wheedled out of him his last and most closely kept secret: how it was possible to imprison a man within a tree. Within seconds of obtaining knowledge of this spell she implemented it. The mighty Merlin, the wisest of all men, was confined forever within a cage of bark - a hawthorn tree.


Sunday May 17, 2009 - Waning Half Moon in Aquarius
Sunday May 24, 2009 - New Moon in Gemini
Saturday May 30, 2009 - Waxing Half Moon in Virgo
Sunday June 7, 2009 - Full Moon in Sagittarius

Celtic Moon sign - Hawthorn Moon

The hawthorn is a small tree that was often used for hedging, and it has a mixed reputation. Known to be both a sign of fertility and death, it was said to contain the knowledge of both reproduction and transformation. Both of these processes take time - and if you were born under the sign of the hawthorn, you have an innate understanding of both the importance of process and the necessity for change. Your challenge is to use that understanding to guide you when undertaking new starts - don't rush. Wait, and prepare carefully.
Written by Kim Rogers-Gallagher, and Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2000

The Hawthorn is a prickly sort of plant with beautiful blossoms. Called Huath by the ancient Celts, and pronounced Hoh-uh, the Hawthorn month is a time of fertility, masculine energy, and fire. Coming right on the heels of Beltane, this month is a time when male potency is high -- if you're hoping to conceive a child, get busy this month! The Hawthorn has a raw, phallic sort of energy about it -- use it for magic related to masculine power, business decisions, making professional connections. The Hawthorn is also associated with the realm of Faerie, and when the Hawthorn grows in tandem with an Ash and Oak, it is said to attract the Fae.

Hawthorn Moon Magick: Focus on keeping a barrier between yourself and things that you don't want. Aim to push away old problems or lingering irritations. This is a sign of fertility and death. If born under this sign you have an innate understanding of the importance of process and the necessity for change.


The fair maiden who, the first of May,
Goes to the fields at the break of day
And washes in dew from the Hawthorn tree
Will ever after handsome be.
~Neltjc Blanchan
Nature’s Garden 1900


The Faces of WomanSpirit
A Celtic Oracle of Avalon

by Katherine Torres, Ph.D.

The Faces of Womanspirit, a Celtic Oracle of Avalon by Katherine Torres, Ph.D

Choices refining life
Emerge from the realm of transfiguration
Will I know or not know?
Will I respond or not respond?
Decisions. Decisions. Life’s a Joyful Game.

What choices are you ready to make?


I honor the energy of hawthorn for cleansing and restraint.
I will choose what I place within my body, and empty myself of all that violates my personal well-being.
So mote it be


Pray Peace

This letter is a labor of love, from Gwendolyn
Permission to share freely, please in its entirety, with links and credits
Feel free to contact me:


from Moon Bee Acres
There is a branch for you to sit upon with a beautiful view.
Climb up into her arms, and stay for a spell.
Feel her roots, her bark, her branches, her leaves.
She is shade, shelter, a home, a hide-away.
She is an escape.
She rocks you to sleep in your hammock.
She holds up your bird feeder, your wind chimes, and your decorations.
She embraces anyone who loves to climb.
In the spring she offers life, and in the fall she gives her own.
She does not judge.
She just is.


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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Goddess Tree Grows *WILLOW

From Roots to Leaves, Branches to Bark
The Goddess Tree Grows


Willows which by water stand
Ease us to the Summerland.

Salix alba

Tree of Enchantment, Tree of Witcheries
Fifth month of the Celtic Tree calendar,
April 15th - May 12th
Fifth consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Saille


There once was a Willow, and he was very old,
And all his leaves fell off from him, and left him in the cold;
But ere the rude winter could buffet him with snow,
There grew upon his hoary head a crop of mistletoe.
All wrinkled and furrowed was this old Willow's skin,
His taper finger trembled, and his arms were very thin;
Two round eyes and hollow, that stared but did not see;
And sprawling feet that never walked, had this most ancient tree.
~Julianna Horatia Ewing, "The Willow Man"


Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Symbolism: Resonance and Harmony
Stone: Moonstone
Birds: Hawk, Snowy Owl
Color: Silver
Deity: Persephone, Hecate, Cerridwen,
Artemis, Selene, Luna, Diana, Brigit
Sabbat: Beltane

Folk names: Osier, Pussy Willow, Saille, Salicyn Willow, Saugh Tree, White Willow, Witches Aspirin, Withe, Withy

Medicinal properties:
Willow bark contains salicin, or Salicylic acid, used to make aspirin. Infusions from the bark have long been used as a remedy for cholls, rheumatism, and fevers. Willow sap applied to the skin can remedy acne, and a strong decoction of boiling the bark and leaves in water can be rubbed into the scalp for dandruff.

Magickal properties:
New Moon magick, creativity, fertility, female rights of passage, inspiration, emotion, binding. Love, Love divination, protection, healing. Willow is also known as the tree of immortality because of its ability to re grow from a fallen branch in moist ground. A wand made from Willow wood has many uses: sleep with it and have more vivid dreams, use it to draw down the moon, protection for underworld journeying. Magickal Brooms, witch's brooms are traditionally bound with a willow's branch.


"I am a willow of the wilderness,
Loving the wind that bent me."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


The Celtic Tree Oracle by Liz and Colin Murray
by Liz and Colin Murray
The Willow in the tree alphabet stands for the female and lunar rhythms of life. She is water-seeking, thriving from preference on the damp margins of lakes and streams or across the low-lying water meadows. Water and the tidal movements of the sea are governed by the pull of the moon. The moon in its monthly rhythms is female, contrasting with the male sun's daily and yearly turnings. In several ways, the Celts held women in higher regard than we do today. On the material level, women were property owners, and whoever controlled the property controlled the marriage. Women of all types and appeared in the Celtic pantheon, the spiritual strength and life-giving qualities given by both female and male recognized equally. There were many colleges of Druidesses - learned women and teachers - respected especially for their gifts of seer-ship, often expressed through dreams, or night visions.


Willow Fairy

Willow Fairy by Cicily Mary Barker

Cicely Mary Barker

The Fairy Bible
by Teresa Moorey

The willow fairy can be grumpy and tricky. The Hobbits in The Lord of the Rings were lulled to sleep and almost killed by Old Man Willow, and while fairies are rarely so ill- intentioned, the willow fairy is not always kindly.

The willow fairy may leave the tree at night and follow travelers, muttering and mumbling, which can be rather frightening to those who do not understand.

Willow has profound wisdom to offer, which humans rarely appreciate. It is deeply mystical and in tune with the music of the waters, all around the globe. Salicylic acid, which is used to make aspirin, comes from the willow, and the willow elves are associated with knowledge of medicinal herbs and healing.

Approached with respect, willow is a wonderful teacher and will whisper to us if we listen. It is important to be still, and to understand that human perceptions are shallow. Imagine the questing roots of willow, seeking the underground streams that flow to and from the earth-girdling oceans. Nighttime is best to commune with this spirit in meaningful dreams.


Willow Knot Spell
from Herb Magic for Beginners by Ellen Dugan

To have your spell wish granted, you are to stand under the graceful branches of the willow on the night of a full moon. Blow a kiss to the moon and state your wish out loud, as you gently tie a loose knot in one of the supple branches. Then, while gazing up at the rising moon, repeat this verse:

Under the Lady's moon, shining so bright,
Willow tree, hear my request on this night.
In this willow tree, I now leave a marker,
Grant me love and happiness, and bring much laughter.

Close the spell with these standard Craft lines:
By all the power of three times three,
And as I will it, so mote it be.


Friday April 17, 2009 - Waning Half Moon in Capricorn
Friday April 24, 2009 - New Moon in Taurus
Friday, May 1, 2009 - Waxing Half Moon in Leo
Friday May 8, 2009 - Full Moon in Scorpio

The willow seeks out water, and is often found near streams or above natural underground wells. Like no other, this tree is associated with the Moon, in all her phases - and so symbolizes the change of our feelings and "moods" as time passes.

Born under the sign of the willow, you are an instinctive creature - in fact, you often react primarily from your "gut response" rather than on intellectual information. Watch the rhythm of your moods carefully and pay attention to your dreams. Their symbolism will help you navigate throughout life.
Written by Kim Rogers-Gallagher, and Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2000

Weeping Willow, The Melancholy
Beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.


Green Man Tree Oracle

The Leaf on the Water
by Ouan Tsi (1007-1072)

The wind tears a leaf from the willow tree;
it falls lightly upon the water,
and the waves carry it away.
Time has gradually effaced a memory from my heart,
and I watch the willow leaf drifting away on the waves.
Since I have forgotten her whom I loved,
I dream the day through in sadness,
lying at the water's edge.

But the willow leaf floated back
under the tree,
and it seemed to me
that the memory could never be effaced
from my heart.


The Faces of WomanSpirit, a Celtic Oracle of Avalon

The Faces of WomanSpirit
A Celtic Oracle of Avalon

by Katherine Torres, Ph.D.

Trust All is here and now.
Know it.
Connect with the Hand of Goddess.
Let Divine Mother Transform you.
Be an Example in the World.

Willow asks you to bend with her into the path of retrieval.

Follow the labyrinth trail, connect with the power of wisdom and the rhythm of your soul, and return to your ordinary world strengthened. You will find that your awareness of your purpose is stronger and your intent cannot be broken by the spell of someone else's desire.


The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree,
Sing all a green willow.
Her hand on her bosom, her head on her knee,
Sing willow, willow, willow.

~William Shakespeare, Othello


I release that which no longer serves me. I am at one with my environment.
I honor the energy of willow for the lunar rhythms within me as a woman.
I will recognize and heed my own body's cycles.
So mote it be.

Pray Peace

This letter is a labor of love, from Gwendolyn
Permission to share freely, please in its entirety, with links and credits
Feel free to contact me:


from Moon Bee Acres

There is a branch for you to sit upon with a beautiful view.
Climb up into her arms, and stay for a spell.
Feel her roots, her bark, her branches, her leaves.
She is shade, shelter, a home, a hide-away.
She is an escape.
She rocks you to sleep in your hammock.
She holds up your birdfeeder, your wind chimes, and your decorations.
She embraces anyone who loves to climb.
In the spring she offers life, and in the fall she gives her own.
She does not judge.
She just is.


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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Goddess Tree Grows *Alder

From Roots to Leaves, Branches to Bark
The Goddess Tree Grows


Alnus Glutinosa

Tree of the God Bran
Fourth month of the Celtic Tree calendar, March 18 - April 14
Fourth consonant of the Ogham alphabet Fearn

Planet: Neptune
Element: Fire and Water
Symbolism: Release, Shield and Foundation, Determination, Discrimination and Inner Confidence, Royalty
Stone: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli (understanding the mind)
Birds: Hawk, Seagulls, Raven
Color: Purple
Deity: Bran, Apollo, Odin, King Arthur
Folk Names: Owler

Medicinal properties:
Alder bark treated inflammations, rheumatism, and diarrhea. Bags filled with heated alder leaves helped with chronic skin diseases and burns. A gargle made from leaves and bark cured mouth ulcers and soothed tonsillitis. Alder oil and essence resonate with the Muscular System and can relieve stiffness and damp diseases, enabling us to move forward with flexibility and comfort.

Magickal properties:
Alder helps you face up to the things you've been avoiding.
It also was believed that Alder allowed access into the faery realms.
Alder tree essence is invigorating, and it also reduces nervousness and anxiety.
Spells to aid success in your business and academic ventures work well at this time of year. Sow the seeds of your success now.

Alder roots enrich the soil, and its timber resists decay.
When immersed in water it hardens to the toughness of stone.
Because it was the source of fine strongly colored dyes, it was associated with the art of fabric making and the Goddesses of spinning. Alder reminds us of the need to blend strength and courage with generosity of spirit and compassion.
Alder was sacred to the Druids. The pith is easily pushed out of green shoots to make whistles. Several shoots bound together by cordage, can be trimmed to the desired length for producing the note you want and used to entice Air elementals. The old superstition of "whistling up the wind" began with this custom.


If you felled a sacred Alder, it was said that your house would be burned to the ground.

The Celtic Tree Oracle by Liz and Colin MurrayTHE CELTIC TREE ORACLE
by Liz and Colin Murray

The Alder, like the Willow, is a water-loving tree. Its timber is oily and water resistant and therefore used extensively for underwater foundations: parts of Venice and many medieval cathedrals were built on Alder piling. Bran the Blessed, or Bendegeit Bran, is the god liked with this tree in the Ogham alphabet. He is reputed to have used his body to span the river Linon, forming a bridge to raise his followers above the dangerous waters, as the wood does when used as a building material. Mortally wounded in battle with the Irish, Bran prophesied the events that would follow his death, instructing his followers to cut off his head and carry it with them. They traveled to Harlech, where the head sang for seven years: then to Gwales, the head remaining uncorrupted and prophesying the while. Eventually, they came to rest in London, Caer Llyndain, and buried Bran's head at the White Mount, or Bryn Gweyn, now the site of the Tower of London. It was held that as long as the head remained concealed it would give protection against plague from across the sea. King Arthur, it is said, once dug it up: and unwise actions, since the Saxons then invaded the country.

The Fairy Bible
by Teresa Moorey

The Alder Tree is delicate in appearance, but is tremendously strong and is linked, as are many trees, with the creation of humans, for Irish legend tells how the first man was made from alder, and the first woman from rowan. Such stories indicate that our deepest essence is connected to that of trees - physically, karmically, and spiritually.

Alder has the gift of not decaying in water, so it is used to make bridges. Possibly because of this it is associated with the Welsh god-giant, Bran, who made his body into a bridge across the River Shannon, to invade Ireland and come to the aid of his sister, Branwen. The Welsh were victorious, but Bran was slain. His head - still living, and still possessing oracular powers - was buried in the White Hill of London, and the ravens that inhabit the Tower of London are Bran's sacred birds. It is said that England will not fall while they live there. The alder fairy may fly forth in the form of a raven. He can impart all the secrets of good defense to you, teach you how to look for omens in bird flight and develop the gift of prophecy.

The Song of the Alder Fairy

by Cicely Mary Barker

By the lake or river-side
Where the Alders dwell,
In the Autumn may be spied
Baby catkins; cones beside —
Old and new as well.
Seasons come and seasons go;
That's the tale they tell!

After Autumn, Winter's cold
Leads us to the Spring;
And, before the leaves unfold,
On the Alder you'll behold,
Crimson catkins swing!
They are making ready now;
That's the song I sing!

Alder is a charm against malevolent fairies.

Water sprites are said to protect alder trees, so be cautious of cutting one down.


Equal night, equal day: the Spring Equinox brings a momentary balance of light and darkness on our planet, when "yoginis" of the East and "maenads" (wild women) of the West celebrated their communal festivals. Throwing off the yoke of winter, we welcome spring with shared hearts open. Traditionally animals mate, gardeners break ground, and all the world comes alive again. But there are problems that need facing in our time, with many species losing their ability to reproduce or going extinct from too many poison chemicals in the environment. The birds and the bees are sick and dying. How can we live our lives in joy while staying awake to the larger situation?

Certainly, the problems are too big for each person to face alone. But as the light grows each day, our energies are on the rise and, like plants poking their heads up through concrete, there is an irrepressible movement in each of us toward positive action. Perhaps this is the year to form a Council of Crones or join Code Pink. Pledge yourself to healthy collective action and creative nonviolent resistance.
Vicki Noble - Mother Tongue Ink 2008, and We’Moon’09

Das Baum Tarot - Alder - II High Priestess

Das Baum Tarot

Wednesday March 18, 2009 - Waning Half Moon in Sagittarius
Thursday March 26, 2009 - New Moon in Aries
Thursday April 2, 2009 - Waxing Half Moon in Cancer
Thursday April 9, 2009 - Full Moon in Libra

Celtic Moon sign - Alder Moon

The alder is amazingly resistant to water. As a result, it was often used in construction under water, from bridges to foundations to stilts for homes located close to rivers. This resistance makes the alder a powerful force in psychic battles.

If you were born under this sign, you have tremendous courage in the face of obstacles and the power to win in disputes. Watch for a tendency to create wars where there are none, and be careful not to dissipate your strength through engaging in meaningless debate.
Written by Kim Rogers-Gallagher, and Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2000

At the time of the Spring Equinox, or Ostara, the Alder is flourishing on riverbanks, roots in the water, bridging that magical space between both heaven and earth. The Alder month, called Fearn by the Celts, and pronounced fairin, is a time for making spiritual decisions, magic relating to prophecy and divination, and getting in touch with your own intuitive processes and abilities. Alder flowers and twigs are known as charms to be used in Faerie magic. Whistles were once made out of Alder shoots to call upon Air spirits, so it's an ideal wood for making a pipe or flute if you're muscially inclined.

Alder month is the right time to find a way of expressing our hopes and dreams for the New Year, forgiving any leftover angers and coming to terms with what's written in our own Book of Destiny. The Alder grows quickly and its energy can help us move along our Path, forgiving and accepting others and ourselves. For example, if there is a dispute with neighbors, Alder could be planted to restore harmony and turn anger into beauty.

Spells to aid success in your business and academic ventures work well at this time of year. Sow the seeds of your success now.


Crone Stone
reading from Gwendolyn,

In this stone I see a woman resting against a tree, and dreaming of a castle.

Use the energy of grounding to help you manifest your dreams. Along with your fantasy, imagine what steps you need to take in order to make it a reality.



The Faces of WomanSpirit

A Celtic Oracle of Avalon
by Katherine Torres, Ph.D.

Alder brings the delight of spring into your steps. She urges you to act on your desires without worry or fret.

She empowers you with vigor.

Her delightful orange face compels excitement within you and the knowing that the wisdom you have been gathering can now be used. Share it with others or move on your own, but Go For It, no matter what you are experiencing at this time.

Alder let me see your
Brightness and readiness
Strength and Knowing
Intensity of Action
And youthful vigor
For in this exchange I can

The Faces of WomanSpirit, A Celtic Oracle of Avalon by Katherine Torres PhD


I move forward with ease and grace.
I honor the energy of alder, for the protection of my inner oracle.
I will listen to the voice of the Goddess Within.
So mote it be.


Pray Peace

This letter is a labor of love, from Gwendolyn
Permission to share freely, please in its entirety, with links and credits
Feel free to contact me:

from Moon Bee Acres

There is a branch for you to sit upon with a beautiful view.
Climb up into her arms, and stay for a spell.
Feel her roots, her bark, her branches, her leaves.
She is shade, shelter, a home, a hide-away.
She is an escape.
She rocks you to sleep in your hammock.
She holds up your birdfeeder, your wind chimes, and your decorations.
She embraces anyone who loves to climb.
In the spring she offers life, and in the fall she gives her own.
She does not judge.
She just is.


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